

Hotel Cooling Tower

“Anti-scalant and Anti-corrosive chemicals were completely discontinued after 1.5 months.”
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Hydro Treadmill Therapy Pool

“I was happy to see that during the HydroFLOW system test we were able to reduce our chemical load by up to 50% and shut off our Copper sanitation system with no negative effects seen in our water balance and with no increase in bacterial growth.”
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A&L Lab Test – Escherichia coli, Klebsiella & Pseudomonas

“Hydropath Technology achieved a significant log reduction with stationary and flowing water.”
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Power Station Steam Condenser

“AquaKlear (HydroFLOW) water conditioner strongly reduce buildup of deposits, silt and biofilm in heat-exchangers.”
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Evaluación en Calderas Grupo Bimbo

“Podemos concluir que los sistemas instalados en las calderas de las plantas son efectivos en la prevencion y remoción de incrustaciones de sales en la superficie de los tubos de calor.”
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Small Industrial Reverse Osmosis System

“Within a few weeks, production capacity went up from 12,000 to 18,000 gallons per day.”
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SGS Lab Test – Staphylococcus aureus & Escherichia coli

“After one hour, the bacteria was down to a minimal value of less than one per milliliter. This corresponds to at least 99.9% reduction.”
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Marriott Waikiki Koi Pond

“The algae reduced by over 90%. The increased clarity was noticeable within 3 days. The hotel completely stopped vacuuming the water fixture. The Return on Investment due to maintenance cost savings was 6-12 months.”
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ALS Lab – Legionella

“Testing result: The disinfection rate is 99.7%.”
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Microbial Induced Corrosion

“Hydropath Technology can be recommended as a chemical-free method of inhibiting
Microbial Induced Corrosion.’
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Honda Cooling Tower

“Chemical treatment had no effect against inhibition of algae growth which is very important in acting against legionella pneumophila. On the other hand, AquaKlear (HydroFLOW) treatment has had excellent effect on this matter and it can…solve the problem of algae in cooling towers.”
seeSee PDF